Sunday, April 8, 2012

This is me at my heaviest..

The Plan

The Mediterranean Lifestyle.

Remember, I dont want to use the word diet but lifestyle. First off for at least 6 weeks I am going to follow a modified Mediterranean way of eating (very strict). And then I will modify it to maybe the Makers Diet (Lifestyle). I am not sure what yet. I will decide within the 6 weeks I am following the strict regimen.

1) Exercise EVERYDAY.. even if its a ten minute walk. I need to get off my booty and move!
2) Drink only water. . this is very important to me. I am addicted to diet drinks. My body craves water. No more caffeine.
3) Eat: Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in olive oil, 1/2 cup of berries, water
Lunch: 3 oz drained tuna, water, baby spinach sauteed in olive oil, 15 almonds
Dinner: Baby spinach salad with peppers, tomatoes and a dressing (not sure which kind yet but i have to make sure it is lite and does not have any High fructose corn syrup in it), maybe 3 oz of chicken or fish
4)NO artificial sweeteners anymore

Thats about it. I will do this regimen for 6 weeks and see what happens. I will modify it when the six weeks is up! Please pray for me!

Day One of the Journey


Well, Sunday is always a hard day for me. I don't seem to stick with anything. Why? Well, its church. Church means donuts. I know that may sound bad but it is what it is. I work in the nursery at my church (which I love) and we get donuts from a man named Mr. Smitty every week!
They are my weakness. They say you are what you eat..well, I am donut.

I was supposed to start strong today and I failed. I had a donut and some bunny marshmellows. Normally, I would just give up the rest of the day but I refuse. I am starting today and not giving up till tomorrow. I say that everyday. I mess up and then say, I will start tomorrow. NO MORE! Today is the day! I may have messed up this morning but the rest of the day has been gold!

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and OJ
At church: A donute and marshmellows and a water(see how i added that good part in.. :) )
Lunch: Can of albacore tuna drained with teaspoon of relish and 15 almonds. Diet Dr Pepper
Dinner: Baby spinach salad with tomatoes and peppers and Water
Drink: Diet Coke

Ok, so not a perfect day to start off with but honesty is very important! You see I like to hide what I eat. Sometimes I would .. no alot.. i would hide and eat a meal from McDonalds (going through the drivethrough) or somewhere else and then eat dinner when i got home. I also like to eat something when everyone goes to bed. I dont like to eat huge meals in front of people. This is killing me to write this but I have to be honest.

Next post I will tell you what I want to do for my new lifestyle.. NOT DIET. I always fail when it comes to a diet but WILL NOT FAIL MY NEW LIFESTYLE. Please pray for me!

Losing to Live

Doesn't sound very appeasing does it? Having to lose to live? But that is exactly what I have to do! I have to lose weight just to live! May sound a little extreme but its the truth! I am Heather. I am 5'2" and weigh in at a whopping 240.5 pounds. I am morbidly obese. Wow. Truth sinks in a little deeper as I type that. Its not something I like to admit. I know that I am overweight by a long-shot but to say morbidly obese sounds like a death sentence. And if you ask the experts , it is.

I don't want to die just yet. Not by causes of my own anyways. If the good Lord decides to take me, I am ready but His will be done not mine. I mean, I don't want to die because I caused it. I overeat. Plain and simple. With each bite that I over indulge with, I am killing myself. Slowly but surely. With every nap I take or couch I sit on, I am slowly killing myself. I don't want to commit this intentional suicide.

It's time for a change and I am finally ready to face everyone and admit my shame and guilt. I am FAT! I am UNHEALTHY! I am ready to change. I want to live! I need to be here for my kids! I have four awesome kids and they need their mother more than anything (except Jesus)! It's time I gave them my all! It's time I gave up this unhealthy road I am on and LOSE TO LIVE!